Unity Tutorial 04

 So we have made it to our reading week, and what better way to spend it than to do tons of college work! Including this blog all about the unity tutorials I completed this week...

This weeks Unity tutorial 2.4 helped me to complete the Food Fight Game. I enjoyed finishing this game and felt I gained a lot of knowledge about Unity from these tutorials. Again parts of the tutorial I had to go back on especially with the code at some of the steps, but luckily I got it working in the end!! 

As for the challenge, this took me quite a few tries.... also I had to resist the temptation to look up hints and just be finished it but I completed it all by myself and was proud of the outcome.

This challenge helped me remember what I had just been taught in the past tutorials and helped me to understand different ways in which I could use these skills to make many different variations of a game.

All of these skills will be very useful for me as I take on my own project snd create my own game soon on Unity. 

A screenshot taken on my MacBook of my Challenge game in action on Unity.


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