First Playable

Okay so this weeks project work for me went terribly. I couldn't  get anything to work. I started working on it this morning and have only stopped now. I definitely spent more than 2 hours today and I ended up getting really stressed over it and had to close it down. I tried to add the rigid body to the player & walls so that the player couldn't simply walk through the maze, these wouldn't work.  Then I moved onto work on the main menu of my game, for this I watched a video on how to create the main menu, I got everything to work including the game title, start button & quit button. But the coding just wouldn't work for me at all! I watched like 10 videos to try get the code to work and not one bit would work for me. 

It's just not my day today. 

Here is a screenshot of my main menu which just doesn't work.


  1. Hey Aoibhe,
    I'm sorry that you had so much trouble with this weeks work on your game. If it helps I didn't have a good week working on my game either. At least you got the home screen and quit buttons working even if you couldn't get the code to work. You still made progress. So be proud of that you've still moved forward.


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