Unity Tutorial 05

I have just completed the Unity Tutorials after spending way to much time on them. I started them on Monday and have been working through them doing a section a day. This evening I have just finished lessons 3.1-3.3. To say I am relived would be an understatement. I found this weeks unity tutorials difficult, and by difficult I just mean that my little brain couldn't comprehend some of the steps and I had to spend time replaying some parts of the videos and also go over my code myself to get certain parts to work.

I found the video tutorials very useful and have since the start. It is good to work alongside someone and be able to pause & play the video at my own leisure. It gives me the opportunity to come back to something and also it helps me to be able to pause the video while I catch up on a step.

I found this weeks game very interesting and enjoyed learning how to make it. I enjoyed learning about the Animation studio on Unity as I had no idea this was a feature.

I am excited to go forward and make my own game with all of the knowledge that I have compiled from these unity tutorials.

My own Image.
Image Caption- This image is a screenshot of my game that I created 
as part of this weeks Unity Tutorials in action.


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