Reading Task Week 17- Doing

For this weeks reading task I looked at the annotated bibliographies that I had created last week and I started looking for themes that I could use in my research. I started coding each annotated bibliographies and found 5 themes in total.

My own image, a screenshot of my themes from my google document.

I found this weeks task easy enough, and enjoyed looking for themes in my paragraphs. I found that I had a lot of information to work with for these themes. I also felt that a lot of the highlighted parts linked up well and would work well in a sub chapter together with a bit more development.
To know how to code my annotated bibliographies I watched the video provided alongside the instructions for this weeks task and I found this helped me to understand what I had to do. When looking for themes I tried to make sure I had the positives & negatives and good explanations too. My chosen topic is game design documents so I tried to include some of the useful tips shared in these articles of what to include in a GDD to make it better.

Here is a link to my google document that I have been working on for my reading tasks,

My own image, a screenshot of my google document.


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